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Price List

The costs of legal advice, drawing up pleadings and contracts and conducting legal cases are usually settled on a flat-rate basis in advance.

The payment is dependent on the degree of complexity of the case and legal effort needed to comply with the order.

Legal advices

The cost of a standard legal advice is usually fixed at a standard rate in advance, depending on the complexity of the legal issues.
Currently the rate of remuneration for giving advice starts from 50 PLN. To fixed amount of remuneration VAT has to added (currently 23%).

In case we are instructed to plead the case before the Court, the legal advice is for free.


The standard pleading (e.g. legal suit or appeal) cost of drafting is usually settled on a flat-rate basis in advance. It depends on degree of complexity of the case and the term in which the writing has to be prepared. If to draft a pleading analysis of the case-file in court is necessary, there is an additional fee for activities outside the Law Firm.

Remuneration for preparation or analysis of the agreement is determined individually and depends mainly on the level of detail of the agreement and time for completion of work.

Court cases

For conducting court cases flat – rate renumeration settled in advance is usually paid. Solicitor’s renumeration is determined by individual agreement with the client, but a hint can be a regulation by the Minister for Justice of 28 September 2002 on the fees for the activities of legal advisers and incurring by the Treasury the costs of legal assistance given by a state – funded solicitor (Dz.U. 2002 nr 163 poz. 1349).

Firms’ legal service

The Law Firm offers three billing systems for companies:

  • hourly rate most commonly used in relation to so-called ‘typical orders’, for which there is a possibility of fairly precise determination of anticipated working time for implementation of the order,
  • mix of flat - rate system and hourly rate system with monthly lump sum and lawyers working hours limit, for customers interested in a constant legal support,
  • flat-rate system without any hours limits, which is to determine the monthly renumeration in respect of full and comprehensive legal services provision for clients.

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